domingo, 14 de setembro de 2008

O que muitos amantes da "liberdade" esquecem...

Freedom and liberty always refer to interhuman relations. A man is free as far as he can live and get on without being at the mercy of arbitrary decisions on the part of other people. In the frame of society everybody depends upon his fellow citizens. Social man cannot become independent without forsaking all the advantages of social cooperation. The self-sufficient individual is independent, but he is not free. He is at the mercy of everybody who is stronger than himself. The stronger fellow has the power to kill him with impunity. It is therefore nonsense to rant about an alleged "natural" and "inborn" freedom which people are supposed to have enjoyed in the ages preceding the emergence of social bonds. Man was not created free; what freedom he may possess has been given to him by society. Only societal conditions can present a man with an orbit within the limits of which he can attain liberty.
Ludwig von Mises - Human Action [cap.15]

2 comentários:

Ana disse...

Pois é.
Eu nunca senti a ilusão de poder desfrutar de uma completa liberdade.
Sei que não é humanamente possível.
Quem assim pensa, ou é um bocadinho distraído ou pretende fazer passar os outros por imbecis.

Abraço, Pedro

Pedro disse...

Pois, Ana. Parece-me mais o segundo caso. Aqueles que apregoam essa liberdade acabam por ajudar fundar regimes em que poucos têm a a liberdade arbitrária e sem limites sobre os demais.
